PHL The Hathaway Group
What’s Your Home Worth with Mike Twitty

Mike Twitty is our local Pinellas County Property Appraiser. As an experienced appraiser, Mike Twitty tells us his story of growing up as a Pinellas county local and how his passion for real estate and development made him one of the most successful private property appraisers in town. 

On growing up in Pinellas County

Mike is a Pinellas county native, the same reason he is also well-versed in city property management and appraising. He was born in St. Pete and later moved to the mid-county area where his dad was in print sales before eventually venturing into real estate. He described the before scenic Pinellas county as a place of vacant lots with a lot of trees to climb, forts to build, and a great outdoor place to run around.

On smart growth and developments

Mike is very much forthcoming in terms of smart growth and development. And while he misses the memories of Pinellas county being all nature and fun, he is also very cognizant about infrastructure improvement, business, and investments for the overall improvement of the county

In his career as a property appraiser

Mike received his degree in Real Estate at the University of Florida. When he graduated, the only jobs available at that time was anything related to the appraisal field. So Mike took a job as a real estate appraiser and after 30 years of being in both the public, private sector of the appraising business, he was able to understand people, their purchasing decisions, and most importantly how to properly deal with them. He was also able to work with various developers which filled is childhood passion of becoming a builder.

In dealing with taxable values in Pinellas County

According to Mike, Pinellas County has been on a 10-year run of consistent positive taxable values. He added that the county has been on the run with a 7.3% average for the last decade and while we see some changes in the market the county remains in strong demand from people/families relocated from other states.

What's your Home's worth

On technology and being on top of the game

As an elected official he saw the needs of his community and was able to make improvements on the different laws and acts surrounding the housing market. He also recognizes the need of his department to be on top of the technological advancement and pioneered the changes made on their website to maintain the safe, and informative browsing experience.

Visit the new and improved website of Pinellas County Property Appraiser. All the features you love and more —- Pinellas County Property Appraiser. Also, connect with the team on their Facebook page— Pinellas County Property Appraiser

What's Your Home Worth with Mike Twitty
We Love Local
June 23, 2022
Categories: Podcast