PHL The Hathaway Group
Wade Swikle | Turning a Summer Job into a Franchise

In this episode, we sit down with Wade Swikle, an inspiring entrepreneur who turned a summer job in the moving industry into a successful franchise business. Wade shares his journey from humble beginnings to building a thriving enterprise, highlighting the pivotal moments that shaped his path to success.

During the discussion, Wade emphasizes the benefits of starting a business with a franchise rather than from scratch. He explores the advantages of a proven business model, reduced risks, and the support and resources provided by a franchise. Additionally, Wade stresses the significance of surrounding oneself with successful individuals and mentors, emphasizing the power of networking and collaboration in achieving entrepreneurial goals. Tune in to gain valuable insights and motivation from Wade’s transformative experience in the world of business.

Listen to the podcast episode here!

I’m excited to kind of pick your brain and chat with you about your business kind of what you do and we were just talking about the franchise piece of your business, too. I think that’ll be that’d be cool to kind of dive into.

But why don’t we start with just kind of what is Brothers Moving and Storage? And what do you guys do there?

 Absolutely. We’re a full-service moving company. started up in Gainesville, Florida. About 13 years ago, I was a student at the University of Florida, 2College Brothers were actually started by two other students at the University of Florida. And I started a competing company, actually, in 2012. They started in 2010. And we competed against each other for two summers kind of focusing on the student market move helping kids move, but also residential moves throughout the year, because students only really move in the summertime.

And I kind of looked up to this company, I’d kept pulling their fliers on my desk, I thought they had really good branding. And they were trying to open up their locations across the state. And I thought that was really cool. And so I was kind of trying to be them until one day, I got a phone call from one of the brothers and they wanted to sell the business and go do other things.

I was, having a lot of fun. I just graduated at that point. And wanted to kind of continue to grow the business and pursue it more. So we worked out a deal, bought it that for a while is gonna run the two companies side by side, to college brothers for college students stuff. And then my company was called Smarter moving solutions, and I thought that was gonna be more of the residential and commercial side. But then I quickly realized that running two competing brands against each other was not a great idea. There are two sets of uniforms, two different types of trucks. Two different websites everything was different. So, decided just do it all under the one brand to college brothers. They’ve been around a little bit longer, but they’d have a more polished brand and I’d always wanted to franchise the company. So, I thought it made more sense to just embrace that, that brand, and go with it.

So basically closed down the other locations that they had, they weren’t really viable. They kind of were just student ambassadors running trucks and getting their friends to help move in   Tallahassee in Orlando. And just focus on Gainesville for a couple of years and then opened up a location in Tampa once I felt we were ready to expand Tampa took a little while to break into, there was a lot of competition. And I at that point, still didn’t really quite know what I was doing. But after a few years of basically bouncing back and forth between the two locations Tampa really did start to take off and we kind of finally got to cruising altitude down in the Tampa Bay area.

We end up moving our headquarters to Tampa in 2020, right after the start of the pandemic, we got a big warehouse, and we got caught in a storage game a lot more. So we do warehouse smelted storage and we still have the Gainesville location, we actually just sold that location as a franchise. So that’s now independently owned and operated. But we have a centralized virtual sales Center in Tampa that books move for both locations. Gainesville does actually have its own salesperson too, so they can go out to the on-site estimates and can do some of the sales as well.

But basically, we have the virtual sales center so that they don’t miss phone calls and leads we have some back-end support there. And then we handle our customer service through our headquarters as well for both locations and basically laid the groundwork to sell more franchises. So those are both pieces of support that we’ll be able to offer franchisees along with the systems and processes we’ve developed over basically 13 years and, a lot of that one on one coaching and guidance to ensure the success of our franchisees so that we can, make them successful because if they’re successful then the franchise entity successful and The more brand presence we have across the state of Florida, which is kind of what we’re focusing our efforts on in the beginning, the mortal lift everybody up because we’ll have more brand leverage more marketing leverage and more trucks driving around to different cities across the state. That’ll just help us raise awareness of the name.

So let’s go back to the beginning. And you’re starting in the business?  , what did you get your degree? And did you ever want to be a business owner? 

I had always wanted to be a business owner, all the way back to probably high school, I had read the book, Rich Dad, Poor Dad. And that kind of changed my whole perspective on, working for somebody else, versus going into business for myself. And so I always had that in the back of my head. That’s what I wanted to do. But, the process was to go to college, all my friends are going to college, and my parents went to college, and that was kind of mandatory.

I was playing baseball all the time and actually played a little baseball in college. So that was, that was the path that I was on. And I was really into,   communications Radio TV, I thought I wanted to be a sports broadcaster, or host some kind of an entertainment show. But so I actually got my undergrad degree at the University of Florida, in telecommunications for the broadcast journalism school.

I kind of got burnt out on that, midway through that program, I’ll just go ahead and finish it. And I applied for a master’s degree in entrepreneurship, which was a relatively new program at the time. And, that was about when I started my original Moving Company was when I was starting that program. So completed that and just decided to, embrace what I, had done a school. And I think I learned a lot more actually running a business than I learned in that program. But it was a good foundation, and it kind of gave me an excuse to be a college student for another year.

So that was, in Gainesville, which is always fun. I think it’s interesting that you were one that you brought up, Rich Dad, Poor Dad, which was one of the first books that I read, that kind of changed my mindset, and, got me into real estate as well. I think that’s such a great book to just, open up your mind to a different way of thinking, right? Because I think you’re probably a similar age to me, but our parent’s generation, they grew up. You work your nine-to-five, or you go to school, right?

You get your college degree, you work your nine-to-five, you save for retirement, then you retire at 65. And that’s a good life, whatever. But, there’s a completely different way of thinking. And that works, right? So in that same thing, it just opened up my mind to do that different way of thinking.

 Absolutely. And I think my mom or somebody had read that book from the local library. And I don’t know if anybody else actually read it. It was sitting on our coffee table, and I just picked it up one day crazy. And I got a dreaded cover to cover. totally changed everything.

That’s pretty cool. So how did you get into the moving business?  Why did you want to start that? And what were those first couple of years?

 Absolutely. So kind of in between summertime, and between semesters, I was back home, I’m from Venice, Sarasota area, and I needed a summer job. And it was 2009 – 2010. And there just weren’t a lot of places that were hiring at the time. We were right in the middle of the recession, yet people with master’s degrees waiting tables. So I didn’t really have much work experience aside from just, typical high school jobs, delivering pizzas and stuff that. So my dad was, you gotta get a job, or we’re not going to keep paying for the fun that you’re having. And so it’s probably submitted applications, 30 places, and didn’t get a callback.

And so, just had to start figuring something else on my own. My dad had a job lined up for me at, a department store at the mall that I really didn’t want to do.  , I wanted a cool job, it’d be kind of fun and, and so I was, I gotta figure something I hear, let’s see what happens. So I posted some ads on Craigslist saying I was a college athlete, looking for any kind of general laborer. And I got all kinds of strange calls, but I had a pickup truck and I had, the ability to work with my hands and be active so so I started doing stuff, mowing lawns, and I was helping him a carpet cleaner clean carpets just holding the hose.

As he went room to room I was working part-time for a handyman just holding the bucket of screws for him while he was fixing the garage doors or whatever he was doing. But I also was starting to get a lot of calls to help people load and unload U-haul trucks. And I actually did those jobs more than all the other things   I was active time went by quickly it was a good workout. I got to see all kinds of, cool houses and meet cool people all across, all across the Sarasota area. And, it paid better than the other jobs too. And usually, people would buy me lunch and they’d give me a tip at the end. And I can pick my own schedule when I wanted to go to a job. And when I want to go to the beach or have fun, do something else.

So it was, I think I made a few $1,000 in summer kind of just having fun with my own little business. And it kind of got the wheels turning when I went back to college. And this is actually a pretty, pretty good gig, picking my own schedule, just to help people unload boxes. So I got some of my friends, I was getting requests. Do you have anybody that can help you? And I was, let me ask around. So I got my friends to hop, I got my brother to help. And, it kind of started to turn into this little business. And so (I thought) I should try to pursue this a little bit.

So I tried to get it started before 2012, in college, with a city business license. And I thought that was all I needed. And then I got approached by another moving company owner that had actually recently just gotten in trouble for operating without a license as a moving company. And I was starting to kind of advertise myself as a moving service. You can’t operate a moving company without a license. If you keep posting these job ads, because he’s also posting on Craigslist and stuff, too. And that’s really all I was posting on. And usually, if you keep doing that, then I’m going to report you for being up moving coming in on a license.

I’m just this college kid with a pickup truck. Moving Company, but I guess I was providing moving services. So I looked into it, I   what, I needed to get a license, okay, I need to get business insurance. And I’m, 20-21 years old at the time. And, me walking into these insurance agencies, Hey, can I get moving insurance,   laughed me out of the door, and I finally found somewhere that would do it. And I had   600 bucks in the pickup truck to my name. And that was about what the deposit was for the insurance that I did. And basically just got the insurance and applied for the license.  , a few weeks later got that back in the mail. And I was legit.

So I had done a little work for that other company that was trying to shut me down. He said you can come to work for me and I’ll pay you $15 an hour, which is what I was charging customers to just do this labor. I was, Okay, well, if I don’t have to deal with the stress, I’ll come to work, do that. But then I realized, he’s making, $150 an hour to basically, pay me 15 I was, huh, it was all cash on the tables unmarked. I pickup truck towing an unmarked trailer. All I need to do is get licensed. And I can be making $150 An hour

 At this point, had you already read the Rich Dad Poor Dad? 

That was probably a few years prior to that. So and I’m in this master’s degree program. Now. One side now that I have is a slice. And so, all the kids in my class were trying to start, the sexiest apps and sure it’s cool,   trendy type businesses. And I’m trying to start a moving company.

Why are you in a master’s program to start a moving company?

Well, I don’t have any other real business background. And I also just wanted to stay in college for another year. So I was floating a lot of the stuff with my student loan money for my business. I don’t know if I’m supposed to say that. But anyway, I mean, it worked out. And, so that the early days, were just a lot of just figuring it out, getting my friends to help out, I eventually got a trailer for my truck, and I put a logo on it.

Eventually, we got moving trucks, bought out that other company, and just kind of continued to add to our fleet. And then there’s always just kind of one step forward, two steps back or two steps forward, one step back,   every time, we think we had a breakthrough,   a truck would break down, or there would be a damaged piece of furniture, or an employee would call out, so those first several years were definitely a struggle,  we were growing, but it was stressful because I didn’t know really, I was figuring it out as I went, there weren’t really any resources for moving companies specifically at that time.

Today, there are a lot more resources for a moving company starting out, but back then, I mean, this was  10 years ago, there just weren’t a lot of them because all the people in the moving industry were, these dinosaurs, these Van Lines that, they kind of dominated it for a while, and just a lot of old school practices and techniques. And these companies used to rely heavily on the yellow pages to bring in new business and that went away and they didn’t have to worry about Google reviews and all that so their service, kind of sucks And then I just saw that that opportunity there, to provide a good service to use the internet for our marketing.

I just learned as much as I could about all that. And I started to pick up the phone and just call other moving company owners that I would find on Google that I thought looked like they had cool businesses, and have conversations with them about what their secrets to success were. And that eventually led to starting my podcast, Grow Your Moving Company Podcast. It was, this golden information getting here. And these people are just totally open about it. And so basically started recording those conversations, obviously, with their permission. And that’s how the podcast that I still host today was born, it was the only podcast (in the industry) at the time. And it’s currently the active or the longest actively running moving company-specific podcast and has some really cool guests on that.

It’s been a great learning experience. For me, I didn’t really know what my objective with having that podcast was. In the beginning, I just thought it would open up some opportunities. And it’s opened up a lot of opportunities, just not only just from learning and having an excuse to meet these highly successful business leaders but now we have sponsorships on that podcast. And it’s allowed me, it actually is what attracted our first franchisee.

And we’re trying to grow up and convert more moving company owners, the franchisees through that, we’ve started a retreat, a mastermind retreat business called Moving Titan Retreat, where we bring moving company owners from around the world, together for a three-day event several times throughout the year. And we all stay together, we’re doing our next one in September, we were at a resort where it’s all-inclusive, and bring in speakers and have workshop breakout groups, we have entertainment and fun stuff, too. So, that’s a little side business that we’ve gotten into.

But is that mentorship and that mastermind effect of learning from all these people that are in all different markets, all different sizes, figuring out, what are they doing, what technology are they using?  How are they training people? What are the roadblocks they’re having? What are the marketing things that are working for them?

So that’s been huge, just kind of surrounding ourselves. And I have a Parker on the retreat business, who owns a moving company down in Venice, actually. And, we’re, basically just trying to surround ourselves with super successful people too and that’s been huge in our, growth because we’re able to hold each other accountable. Or it’s, it’s just inspiring when we’re around these people. And keeps us hungry, because we want to get to their level. And then, just the learning aspect and the accountability aspect, because we see these companies all the time and follow them and their journey, and we want to keep up so, so that’s been that’s pretty cool.


Wade Swikle Turning a Summer Job into a Franchise


I think a lot of business owners could learn from that, right? And, there’s so much we can learn from other people. And even though they may be competition,   obviously,   some of these people are your competition, right? To some degree, but there’s so much you can learn from them. And there’s, you have that abundance mindset where there’s plenty of business for everyone to get to kind of go around and you’re just helping each other, improve your business.

Exactly and you said, the mentality of abundance, we’ve had local companies from Tampa Bay, come to our retreats. And I think sometimes your competition can be your best referral partner. Sure, because in the moving industry, people all tend to move at the same time throughout the year. So, you might book up and be able to pass a lead to them, because you trust them and you’re still helping that customer out. And then they return the favor a lot of the times where they’ll send you a lead that if they book up, you can, work with them on that. Or sometimes there are huge commercial projects that maybe they don’t have the capacity to handle by themselves.

So, team up with them to be able to take on a big commercial project. So, I mean, I have no problem talking to our competitors and some people, some competitors aren’t as open to it. They want to keep their cards close to their chests, but I don’t think there are any real secrets to success. It’s all about the execution. And so you might as well just share your ideas with each other because they’re probably going to have some stuff that they can give you and you can give them and who can execute it better at the end of the day.

Exactly. So you’re all in on the moving business, which I think is pretty cool, because it’s you said,   you had classmates and some. After doing something and trying to create this cool app or whatever, this trendy app, but you’ve created something that’s super successful, and now you’re trying to franchise and everything. How long do you think it took you before, from starting the business where it was just you and your truck to, you’re, Okay, I think I have a good handle on, how to run this business or what I’m doing to grow it and that sort of stuff?  How many years do you think that took you?

It took too long. I wish I knew then what I knew now because it would have been expedited. But probably seven or eight years before, I felt   I had a good handle on things. But part of what we offer with the franchise is a million-dollar guarantee. So if they follow our formula and our marketing strategy, then we guarantee they will get to an annual, or let’s say, a 12-month annual $1 million in revenue in their first three years, or we’ll refund their franchise fee and franchise. So if I had to start over again, knowing what I know, now and the processes and the marketing strategies that we’ve developed, then, I guarantee it would be a lot faster learning curve, probably one or two years versus seven or eight.

But I think that’s part of it too, right?   You have to go through some of those learning curves,  you can’t just fast forward and know everything, from the beginning. It’d be those relationships that you have with other moving companies and stuff. And you just fast-track some of that. But I think people, in today’s society, want things now and fast. And, running a business starting a business takes a long time, right in seven, or eight years is probably,  what most businesses take before they really have a grasp on, what they’re doing. And some of them don’t even stick around for that long, right?  ,

I think it was, some crazy percent 90% or something. Don’t make it past five years. That started out moving companies, just businesses in general. I mean think about moving it’s a low barrier to entry to get started. But it’s a very high barrier to entry to succeed in it. Because there are so many moving movers, I guess, you could say that work for another company, they think, oh, I know that I have mastered this moving piece of it.  , they know how to move furniture, they know what to pack a truck, pack a box. But that’s totally different from running the business, so they don’t understand delegation.

They don’t understand financial reports and KPIs. And they don’t understand how to set up marketing formulas that bring trackable success, so, where to put your marketing dollars, and how to hire and how to train people, and, all the things that, sales, all the things that go into running a successful business, and a lot of them, because it’s such a low barrier to entry, and they were movers there. They maybe didn’t go to college, not that you have to go to college to figure that stuff out.

But, they just don’t understand the value of reading books and listening to podcasts and seeking out that mentorship. And so, there’s a lot of companies that stay very small if they do make it to that five years, because they don’t know how to scale or they’re afraid of risk, or they just don’t want to because they think they, they have to the only way to do something right is to do it themselves. So, I think that to have a well-run moving company, there’s a very high barrier there. But anybody can theoretically get started with 600 bucks in a pickup truck, I did. But we’ll see, who scales that and lasts that long.

If there’s one thing that you can go back from what, now, one thing that would have helped you in the beginning, what would that be?

Definitely seeking out mentorship, mentorship, from people that had already been there, would have been the fastest shortcut to success. I fought that for a long time, I was young and had an ego that I thought I, didn’t need that help. But that’s, that’s what I’m exactly what I’m doing with the franchise now.  , I’m trying to talk to as many franchisors as I can, join the organizations and just immerse myself in that industry. I think I fought for a long time.

I didn’t want to be a traditional moving company, I think I wanted to, do something cool or clever and make the Uber of moving or something that. And I just, I didn’t I didn’t embrace the industry, I guess. I thought I could do it better than what they’ve done in the past. But, what I failed to realize is that I could do it better, but I needed to learn the fundamentals first. And then I can make that decision on what I think is going to work better instead of trying to reinvent the wheel right out of the gate. So with the franchising business, I mean, that’s a whole other industry. And I’m trying not to take seven or eight years to figure That opened, hoping to seek out some mentorship to be able to expedite that learning curve fairly quickly.

So what led you into into starting a franchise? And, what is that journey? It’s been you said a year that you started the franchise a year

Well, I knew I wanted to do that,   from day one. But as I started to learn about it, I learned a lot about the pros and cons of franchising. What I really learned d about it, and having run two locations simultaneously is running a successful moving company, I think you kind of need an ownership presence in the community that you’re serving. And with franchising, the locations are independently owned, because it’s just so much word of mouth, it’s so much just kind of have your finger on the pulse of, what that that climate looks,   what kind of marketing might work in this area.

We, for example, kind of stumbled across the MJ morning show we are and he endorses us on his morning show on 1047. And, I’ve tried radio in the past on music formats. And that never worked. But I just had this feeling about MJ.  , as he came back on the air a few years ago, and started posting all these billboards, I’d been listening to him since the 90s when I was done in Venice as a kid. And I was, what, he’s got a pretty strong listener base. So let’s see how this works. And it worked really well. But I only would have known that because I’m in the community, I’m immersed in the community. And as and then that’s what I think is going to it’s going to require for, to run a successful another branch.

You need that ownership presence is somebody who’s wanting to become a pillar of their community, who understands their market, who understands the people in their market, and the layout of the lay of the land, where the neighborhoods we want to spend time and, and not, waste money, you could have an MBA and do all the statistical analysis in the world, but there’s something intangible about living in the market that you’re serving.

So that’s why I’m really drawn to franchising and I mean, it obviously does come with its cons, because you’ve got, somebody really can’t fire, if there’s a franchisee that’s sure, not great. So the vetting process is super important to find the right buyer for that market because it’s a manager that you’re sending over there,  it’s it’s an owner, and they’re making a 10-year commitment, when they sign that dotted line.

If they fail, then it’s gonna look really bad for selling more franchises because part of what sells franchises is people being able to call the other franchisees and see how their experiences are struggling and if they fail, it’s gonna be tough. So there’s, there’s definitely some, some cons to franchising. And, these owners are ly once we have more of them going to want a direct line to me, so I’ll have to, I’ve heard from other people in franchising that it’s, you’re, you’re constantly talking to them, they’re, your children, almost, they need more support, or they have all these questions, or they’re having trouble with something, or, they want to bounce ideas, and sometimes, they’re entrepreneurs, so, they might want to do things their way, and you might not agree with how they want to do it. And so you have to have some compliance there. But ultimately, if we vet the right people, and we click, we connect with the people that share our vision and our values. I think, I think it will be the best way to scale because of that, that ownership presence and that ownership mentality in different markets.

That’s cool. For someone who’s looking to start a business right, whether looking at a moving company or not, but, whether they start a business on their own if they’re opening up their own restaurant, or they’ve been when I’m, getting into a moving company, What do you see the benefits of starting with a franchise versus just starting from scratch?

Well, I tell the franchisee prospects that I spent eight years making mistakes so that you don’t have to. So that’s definitely a benefit of going with a franchise. Whether you go in moving or food or whatever, real estate, you’ve got a formula you’ve got a recipe to follow that works and and You can see how well it works by seeing the performance of the other locations, whether they’re corporate or franchise based. And that’s included in the franchise disclosure documents. So I mean, that that, I think is a huge benefit of doing a franchise, and then you have brand leverage and more purchasing power with a franchise. So you can get more national accounts, you can negotiate the cost of materials or trucks or insurance or marketing services, and you can get more brand leverage with your name, the more the bigger your franchise grows, the more people know who you are. So you don’t have to make a name for yourself and spend all the money on branding.

I don’t suggest somebody going and starting a business from scratch spends much time worried about branding, right? Because names don’t make businesses, businesses make names. So, they should build their brand based on, other trackable marketing avenues, and then eventually you have that. But with franchising, you kind of already have that, that name presence, and you can still do all the other stuff to that, that doesn’t necessarily need to center around the name. But that helps, I think, with the internet today with SEO, search engine optimization, and website management, I think being a part of a bigger organization helps your web authority because Google’s looking at how long the website’s been up the content that’s been put out over the years, how fresh it is. There’s, how many users are going to it, all that stuff, how many people click on it when it’s, searched for. So starting off,   that takes years to build up?

So it’s tough to get the search engine ranking on your own because you have to spend really hundreds of 1000s of dollars over the course of several years, building that, that really well-done website and, and getting that so that and when you open up another location, there will still be a little bit of time before that gets some traction, but it’ll be a lot quicker than if you try to do it on your own. So that’s another big reason that it makes sense to franchise a business but for somebody going off on their own, and they have an ego and they don’t want to use somebody else’s name and they want to make their own name.  , I mean, that was me, I get it. More power to you. And you just gotta have some thick skin and, and be prepared to fail a lot. And learned some hard lessons. And, but if you have the will, then there’s, there’s a way so just kind of stick with it. Right?

I mean, business ownership, whether you’re franchising or doing it on your own, it’s not for everybody, right? You’re gonna deal with upset customers, you’re gonna deal with upset employees, you’re gonna deal with competitors, trashing you on the internet, you’re gonna, you’re gonna have some scary times with cash flow. You might have a truck that gets into an accident, what do you do?

So there’s, there’s definitely a lot of have thick skin needed to be an entrepreneur in any, any form. So that takes the right kind of person. The idea of the franchise, first, especially for someone who doesn’t have any business background or any business experience,   running a business. Because it’s, it’s all laid out there for you,   you mentioned, you have everything you need to run and operate that business, all the processes and branding, all that stuff is there, you just got to follow the steps and, you can be successful.

 And I mean, it’s kind of cliche, but the old franchise, I just go into business for yourself, but not by yourself. So I do still are the 100% owner, you pay a royalty, which is basically a sales tax. And, other than that,   you have the freedom to grow, I mean, your success ultimately rides on your ability to execute, I mean, we can lead a horse to water and lay out the exact recipe for them. But it’s up to them to follow it. And then it’s up to them to go above that, they might discover things on their own, that are working out really well.

I want it to be kind of a collaborative effort.  , I want that mastermind effect once we have several owners that are crushing it to be able to come together and on a regular basis and talk to each other and say, Hey I just discovered this new marketing thing that’s working out really well you guys might want to try it or, this new approach to training or hiring but, it’s working for us tried to so I do want that, I want to be a little flexible and in some of the stuff, I think franchisee invented the filet of fish at McDonald’s, and it’s been, very successful for him. So, I don’t want it to be too super stringent.

There are definitely some policies and some standards that we need them to be at, but, but I want to encourage people to be entrepreneurial and to scale and to own their entire city.  , we call it our hometown tight in our hometown Dominator strategy. We have big territories because we want you to own your entire city. We don’t want you to have to be competing with somebody in the same organization across town. So we want you to become a pillar of your community and just dominate your city’s moving market.

That’s pretty cool. So I want to wrap up with this. Do you live in the Tampa Bay area now? 

I live in St. Louis. 

So when you’re not running the business and worrying about the franchisees and all that stuff, what do you do for fun?   if you had a favorite local restaurant to go to or park, where are you going?

For sure. So I just got a boat about a month ago. So boating has been my most recent hobby. I’m also training for an Ironman in the fall. So cool. So I’m going to be pretty active the next several months with that. So those are kind of probably the main things right now. Actually, play competitive wiffle ball down in Sarasota. Oh,  actually just invested in the league. It’s called the Sarasota Wiffle League. It’s adult competitive football tournament tomorrow actually. So nice. So that’s a lot of fun. And I’ve got a dog so, taking him for walks and stuff that.

Where’s your favorite place to go in the boat?

So I keep it. I live in the COVID Loggerhead Marina and South St. Pete.  And so I keep it there. So we kind of stick around that area but bunches passes nearby. I guess Iowa is not too far. We haven’t taken it there yet. Okay, I’ve been there. John’s pass.  , there are several restaurants around that. Tiki docks. Places over up past the grill. Place over by John’s pass. So, just cruise around.  , have a fun day at the sandbar haven’t taken it off offshore fishing yet. Eventually, that’ll probably happen. So build up a little bit of experience first.



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