PHL The Hathaway Group
Scott Bedell | Being Intentional with Your Time

In this episode, we are joined by the inspiring Scott Bedell. Get ready to unlock the secrets of building a winning team as Scott shares key attributes essential for success.

Discover what it takes to become a thriving business owner and learn effective time management tips that will transform your productivity. Scott also reveals strategies to plan your week efficiently and create realistic to-do lists that lead to accomplishments.

Join us as we explore the art of leveraging your time for valuable pursuits while safeguarding precious family moments. Plus, gain insights into the power of connecting with mentors and the community to fuel your personal and professional growth.

Listen to the podcast episode here!

Scott  Bedell joining the podcast in person this time. This is round two. Welcome back.

Thanks for having me back. Done.

So you are a certified business coach helping others turn their passions and purpose into profits. But the focus on Time, Team, and Money is some things we’ve talked about a lot recently in our conversations.

It’s exciting. We have our firm, we have a team of seven coaches. And we’ve grown throughout the Tampa Bay area and help businesses grow and scale their companies. And I’m looking forward to our conversation today.

So why don’t we start? I mean, if you haven’t listened to Scott’s first episode, go back and listen to that. I was back in November of 21. We were just looking at but you’re with Action Coach Tampa Bay. So start off again, just kind of recapping, like what you guys do there and helping other businesses can grow and scale their business?

 Excellent. So I’m one of the partners at action coach Tampa Bay. And our discipline really is I love how Michael Gerber, a couple of books that I think were really critical to my success on the first and second company I launched is a book by Michael Gerber called the E-Myth. And where he basically talks about how most all business owners 99.9% of all business owners start a business either because they have technical expertise, or they are entrepreneurially minded, and they see a gap in the marketplace where they feel they could offer a valuable service. And that’s usually how almost everyone enters into starting a business. Then they get into this tricky situation where they start growing revenue, they start growing, in some cases, a team.

And they find themselves in a situation where they’re somewhat frustrated with how to get to the next level because they’ve built it off of their own back and off of their own work ethic or certain values. However, what Michael Gerber exposes in the E myth is that you need to actually develop your systems versus developing people. And when the more you develop your systems, you can have people that run the systems, and you focus on building those. And that’s what fundamentally action coach does. Action Coach. is a global organization with over 88 countries worldwide, it’s helped hundreds of 1000s of business owners build a business that can work without them. And we own the Tampa Bay franchise, so seven counties throughout Hillsborough, and Pinellas, where we help.

Actually, even if you’re walking to hear today I go wait a second, we’ve worked with Berkshire Home Service. In fact, we’ve worked with the owners at our firm for well over five years, and I believe they’re producing over a billion dollars in annual revenue now. And so every business starts with humble beginnings. Every business starts with an idea and family. And the difference between growing that to something that works without the owner is what we kind of want to talk about today, which leverages how to get more done in less time and grow something that you can exit at some point. And it’s something that I wish someone would have talked to the 24-year-old may context on switching the numbers around and 42 now instead of 24 for kids later, And 20 years in business, and I love the fact that I get to educate business owners that the true definition of a business is a commercial profitable enterprise that works without the owner.

Keyword with without the owner, right phrase without the owner. So I want to go back to like something you mentioned like the two weeks that people get into business is one because they have a skill set around that business or they just have that mindset of being an entrepreneur. Is there one that is more successful than the other? Or one that has easier? Any easier path to growth? Or, let’s start there. Like just what has an easier path to growth there?

That’s a great question I love for those listening or anyone that chimes in later, they could probably challenge me on this because I don’t have all these stats and data on that. However, if we just think through it, both of them have qualities, merits, and, blind spots, technicians, and business owners that we work with that are technically savvy, so, they tend to be great operators and tend to get frustrated with others not being able to do it as well as them. And we can talk about that for a minute and how they relate to time. And then on the entrepreneur side, there, they let go easily, almost, their risk tolerance is much higher, and their willingness to make mistakes, fail fast and move forward is a key attribute. And we talked about the success cycle of business, I brought this for you for success cycle of business, six keys to a winning team, one of them is to support risk-taking. So entrepreneurs have a natural knack for risk-taking.

However, where they tend to fail is in the system isolation of creating consistency, because the number one reason why people will continue to buy a brand or buy into a brand build loyalty is not price. That price is number five. It’s not even the number of services, you offer the quality of the services. So the top five is not number one, the number one reason people will continuously come back is due to confidence in your product or service, based on your consistency. If you think about that, you want to challenge me on that. Look at McDonald’s. Can you and I make a better burger than McDonald’s? Well, most likely.

But the thing is that whether you go to Palm Harbor, or China, or anywhere in the world, you walk into a McDonald’s and you’re gonna see the same colors, you’re gonna see the same Well, now they have a bunch of different products. But the idea is that it’s the same structure. Now they’ve systemized it to a scale to where each franchise location is. Again, you challenged me on the specs of this, I might be pulling old data but the average franchise used to value at around a million dollars per franchise. Guess how old? The average manager running a million-dollar franchise McDonald’s Corporation, how old they are.

I imagine younger, right?

 I mean, the way I’m positioning, well, there’s got to be a shot. , they can’t be in their 40s but just give me a number. What do you think?

35, 20-3-0 years old is the average franchise owner, the manager, or the manager running Ace a Million franchise? And the idea is the reason they can hire a 20-year-old to run a million-dollar franchise because they’ve systemized so well, that they’ve taken all the complicated stuff out of it now. What a lot of other reading will teach you because we’re talking about small business owners. , we’re your network is a lot of small business owner community and always a small business owner under 24 million annual revenue. And you are maybe tracking above that. However, the reality is, you want to systemize the thing, the process, and humanize everything else. Most small businesses are not made to be McDonald’s if you need someone’s mental acuity like real estate, you can systemize so much, right?

However, in real estate, you need to have there’s an emotional quotient to your service and what you do, so you over-systemize you lose that connection, right? And so so when you look to systemize your business depending upon what you’re offering, in your value proposition or your service or product, you have to be careful not to over-system systemize it to where you lose that relationship, that human element, emotional connection there. And that’s that lead, that makes me think about like Zillow offers right like, it’s kind of that scenario where they tried to create this system and it worked for a while or while they were in business for a while. Make a lot of money but you, they last that there was no human element there that human connection which people need. And I think every business right, like needs some component of that?

So if you were to start a business today, are you starting a business based on one of your skill sets? Or based on just the knowledge that you have, and like I know this business can be successful?

 That’s a very good question. Because there’s a lot of opportunity going on right now. And any business owner that’s hearing this right now, that’s only seeing the negative, get yourself a business coach, surround yourself with a community of people that are looking at the opportunity, because right now, whether we’re in an up economy or a down economy, there are the people that the really opportunistic, entrepreneurs are always seeing the opportunity. And so to answer your question, I’ve got a buddy right now, that’s looking to buy a business. And I’ve started just helping him on the side consult within. And because we don’t typically work with startups, okay. Usually, we work with established businesses three to five years in process tracking towards a million in revenue, they’ve got their system together, they’ve got a good, healthy reputation, good reviews, and they’ve hit a ceiling where they don’t know what to do next. And we start working with and that’s one-to-one coaching.

Now, what’s interesting, at the beginning of the year, we started in a membership kind of program, a lower program for businesses in that six figures. And that helped them build the fundamentals. I think we’re going to talk about time in a minute. However, just to answer your question about, what would I start well, with my friend, he, he’s got some skills. And there are so many different ways to consult on this. So I would love for people, if they have questions to reach out to an advisor or a coach, because I gave him very specific instructions, depending upon how he wanted to finance it, because they had cash. And I’m like, don’t throw cash there, we’re gonna throw cash directly into buying the business and, versus there’s SBA, if you have a skill that you’ve got developed over three years, in a lot of cases, you’re you can qualify for programs where you can get low-interest loans to start a business.

There’s also depends upon if you have any diversity in your background. I know several women-owned minority-owned businesses are coming out of the military veteran, and there are a lot of grants and programs available. And I’ve got contacts in my network that can help people get those types of funding. So depending upon that, you might want to lean towards your specificity. However, I will tell you this. What makes a successful business owner isn’t a technical expert. , it’s, it’s, there’s going to be a need for that your business. And a lot of times that’s finding the right partner that has that technical expertise.

That’s where I see the biggest, most compelling opportunity right now in our market is buying an existing business with a managing partner or a technician in place. Because there are so many people that are in the next 10 to 15 years that essentially have no exit plan, don’t really have a sellable business. 86% of all businesses are not sellable.

 Because it’s because it can’t be run like that like you’re doing with a definition of a business. It can’t be run without the business without the owner in place. Right?

 Correct. So no one wants to buy no investor wants to buy your job. , they want to buy your business. And if you’re working in the business, and the business is surrounded by you, they don’t want it in fact that is a really funny analogy. I mean, a funny acronym of job is just over broke. And it’s got to, that someone might want to slap me, however, I know what it’s like to be a business owner and work over 100 hours a week in your business. So we trade up working nine to five, making a pretty good wage to working 24/7. And being run by a dictator lunatic tirade, an oval government, ie yourself. That, you’re a slave to your own business. And, I’m not trying to paint a picture like everyone’s dealing with that there are a lot of people that are highly successful. It’s just the reality is that we put a lot of pressure on ourselves.

It’s hard. It’s hard, no matter which way you look at it, even the most successful businesses like it, it was challenging for them or it is challenging for them and it’s just, overcoming some of those odds. struggles and stuff and, and so one of those obstacles that we’ve we’ve talked about it is time and time management and, having a conversation with a lot of business owners in our community, I think that’s one thing that that a lot of them have a struggle with have a hard time with.

And I think it translates into just personal life too, right? It managing time is, is hard, when, especially when you have a growing family and, all these things, and you have to be in so many places, and, it managing your time is hard. So let’s, let’s touch on that. And like, what are some things that you’ve learned, throughout your, experience coaching businesses and running your businesses yourself? 

Absolutely. So one, I just want to set the stage for anyone listening that it doesn’t matter whether you’re a solopreneur, whether you have your generating multiple six figures, maybe hit the 7 million mark, or seven-figure mark or eight-figure mark, I’ve got clients in all categories. We’ve got clients have exited and made more on the exit sale and reinvestment of their business than they ever made. 30 years working in it. Shout out to orange blossom, catering, and many others. That was the first one that came to mind. It was his quote was like, Man, I didn’t realize that really, the benefit of owning a business is to sell it. And I made more on the reinvestment of that sale than ever made 30 years of working it crazy. That gives me goosebumps. And when we start thinking in those terms, it should absolutely shift our perspective on what our duty as business owners is. It’s not just about being an operator, it’s not just about building revenue. It’s about fundamentally making sure that we’ve got daily progress toward profit and towards the exit. And so when we look at time, number one time, there’s no way to manage time. This is a rip from Stephen Covey and others, but there is no such thing as managing time. It’s a nonrenewable resource.

Money, you can lever money you can put in a bank, you can save it, there are different ways you can earn a small percentage money market, the stock market cryptos coming back, all those things, high risk, low risk, whatever. But you can hold it, and you can observe when you want to take it out and put it in, but time is just, it’s here and gone. And so when we think about time, we think about how are using the minutes of every day. And, you run it, I run into so many business owners that go well, I, I just can’t get it done all in one day, or I’ve got this much stuff or? And the reality is, is that if you keep hitting the ceilings of growth, every new dollar in revenue is day zero, of what you’ve experienced. No, you’re hitting, you’re hitting new territory every day.


And so you have to start pushing yourself to learn more. One interesting thing, just as a side note, when it comes to goal setting, because we’re in the second half of 2023 now, and we’re looking at how are we doing on track with our goals. , this process that gets missed quite often is a dream, state a goal, then learn a lot of times people dream goal plan. And when you set a plan for dreams and goals, without learning anything new, you end up setting a plan that you from the past. And you’re going to end up with a very similar result. And so you want to start focusing on areas where you need to grow the most and focus on learning around areas you need to grow like that, where a lot of people end up reinvesting and stuff they’ve already read before. Because it’s familiar. And it’s sort of I don’t know, what why is it that we do that?

It just feels good, right? It’s like the ego, right?

To answer your question, though, so on time, I thought it might be helpful to run through 10 steps to make each day exceptionally productive. And maybe we go through these and kind of chat about him and, kind of you can tell on your experiences like that. So So first, first things first is there needs to be you got to have control of the bookings. No business owning anything.

That’s right. You can’t control everything that happens to you in a day. However, everyone gets 24 hours a day. The most successful people picture someone in their head that they find to be the person they want to be like, that’s where they want to be and everything they desire and their life, that person has 24 hours in the day to write, and so do you. And so to make every day exceptionally productive first is to have a starting point to your week to map out your week. For some people, that’s that Sunday, because Monday is when it gets crazy. , that’s why everyone says I got the case of the Monday blues or whatever.

Because you’re letting the week manage you versus you managing the week. Reactive versus proactive. And technology has come at such a fast pace. It’s outpaced our ability to catch up with how we manage ourselves. And as you said, you add a few kids to it. We added four. You add kids in there, you have life changes, you have geography changes, friendships, relationships, all these things stack on and you haven’t been able to stop and reprioritize and reset a schedule. So you got to figure out what the beginning bookend of your week looks like for some people. That’s Sunday night? It’s quiet.

Nothing, no one’s calling you. And if they are, you should ignore it. And give yourself thoughtful time to process and plan out your week. And, there’s a concept called Mi fives. So right, you can just write down my five, which is focusing on the most five critically important things that, you want to work on. For that week. , for that week, that day. Let’s break it down. Break it down. And that should be what you prioritize before anyone prioritize your time.

So that was number one?

And then two are actively block out for your task time. So being able to block out time for the activities, our profit time, So if you have a certain sales goal that you have to hit, well, what is the lead measure? What are the activities that lead to sales? Well, you have to make sure that you have 1x the number of sales. And this is what is this? How many appointments are these how many engagements do you have to do to get to this many appointments to get to this many sales? That’s where we talk about the five ways, leads, and conversion. Once the numbers are, every business owner must know their numbers. Business is a numbers game. , marketing is a numbers game. Once the numbers and master the numbers, it becomes easy, it becomes fun. So you have to block the time appropriate to the activities, it takes. And that’s why most people don’t get to their goals. Because either they haven’t thoughtfully thought through the time it takes. Or they don’t have a good grasp on their numbers. And once you solve both of those failures, now you’ve just set yourself up for success.

 And so number one seems like I mean, we haven’t gone through the entire list yet. But I’d imagine that’s probably going to be the most important thing, right? If you can’t, if you skip number one, if you don’t plan your time out, or, jot down your five most important things for that week or for that day, or whatever it is, you’re going to be reacting to the week and then you’re not going to be doing those important tasks and that sort of stuff. So alright, so what do you have number three?

And on that let me just double down on that. Is that anyone enrolled challenge will challenge people listening to this? Has anyone ever emailed you to check your P&L and your finances? Has anyone ever just randomly called you and said, Hey, I need you to sell my home right now and come pick up this check, right?

No, no.

And so these are so we know the things we have to prioritize so so so in that messaging, I just want to be clear that if you can when you can work your schedule and your team around. Email is one of the lowest-value things you can start your day and


I saw your face because that’s the face. Everyone’s like, oh man because it’s such an email. It’s such an easy thing to start the morning with. , and even when we know these habits, and we know what I mean. means to eat healthily. It doesn’t mean we always eat healthy, right? It’s a word. We’re listening to the most successful habits. So letting email wait till after 10.

I’ve heard this before to have like, whatever the time is, right? Whether it’s 10-11 or budget, it’s setting a time block where you check your email, and you don’t check it. But it is just like social media. It’s all on our phones now. So it’s so easy. Yes. To check it.

That’s it. That’s it. And so so take it off your phone. I actually, set my phone to I love the Apple phone for having that “focus” (option). You can actually set it in focus settings now. Or it’s like a time every day or so. And put it to do not disturb because they’ve gotten really good about figuring out that even when you put it on, on disturbing it can vibrate, or you have it on vibrate. It can flash. So so I always have my phone down. Do not disturb. On silent with focus,  everything.

So speaking of that, like we’re recording on an iPhone right now. And I have to have it set in airplane mode. And like the focus mode, like Do Not Disturb right? Because of that, you still get notified of certain things. 

 So now let’s say that someone’s got, they’re listening to these greats that are saying this stuff like Brian Tracy is another one. , the frog. So I don’t care if you might say, Well, 2 am is when my high energy is energy management is also important. , I’ll just tell you the most successful time for average brain activity is the morning. So eight to 930, high focus time, the high priority tasks. That’s why we want to push email to after 10. , and you got less gotta get up at 4 am. And I tackle it, I get it. Quiet time in the morning. That’s all good. But I still think, setting aside a lot of intentional effort to start other people’s activity later in the day and get clear on what you need to do to be focused is extremely important. So you said to go to the next three, three follow realistic to-do lists, okay, are realistic to-do lists. And here, let me add this is that half and half, some people don’t create it to-do list on paper, we just create it in our heads.

So it’s great to document it and write things down. For those that need to do that. Just document taking a five-minute time to brain dump. If you start to feel overwhelmed, if you start to feel anxious, just take 10 minutes, five minutes, just it You would be amazed at what you can accomplish. Just brain dump and having someone outside your world outside the emotion to be able to help you brain dump that and reorganize that is an extremely helpful tool for just organizing your thoughts and reprioritizing your tasks.

Now for the other half that is really good at creating to-do lists, that creates anxiety, because they have these to-do lists, they just have to get done. And they can never get them all, or they’ll force them to get them all and they’re killing themselves and I have clients that have, that are netting multiple, seven figures a year, that still work themselves like they’re going to be broke tomorrow. And what we have to do with those behaviors is help them slow down and recognize they need to slow down and celebrate the wins, and the progress they’re making, and recognize their team. And what we do is an invert strategy, which is right down your to-don’t list.

Like things you don’t want to do, or things you shouldn’t be doing the right things you shouldn’t be doing that if you just stop this one activity, it might buy you back hours in your week, okay? And then once you learn that discipline of just one thing to stop doing, and it’s buying you back 10 minutes a day, we get 10 minutes a day back in perpetuity.

I love that. And the to-do list thing. I’ve started, I’ve done different strategies or whatever for since I’ve been in business and it’s either, in my notebook, like I did that for a while where I was writing it down in my notebook. But then every time I’d be thinking I would think of something and then about okay, I need to write that down. And before I get to my notebook, I forgot what it is I need to write down right so I now have it on my on my phone I have different lists I have so I’ve category to do this like the little app on your iPhone. I think it’s reminders and you can set different categories so I have a business to-do list, I have a home to-do list we have an investment property so I have a to-do list for that and so I have a broken down that way and that’s been that’s worked for me because then I can if I think it’s something I usually have my phone near me, and I could just type it in right there.

That’s all awesome, that’s great. And then what that helps we start documenting at that level, what you can start doing is pulling in this discipline of futures, future, present state, and future present state dictates that you can look to your past as historical evidence of what you need to do, and improve that to get to your goal, versus future present state says, Look, three, five years in the future, really document what your world looks like, what kind of behavior do you need that to be?

What are the things you that person needs, is doing, or needs to do to have the things you’re looking to have? And then, you draw those dreams and goals into your present, by working through changing your behavior, changing the things you need to start operably doing on a day-to-day basis, and making daily progress towards long-term, worthwhile goals. And that by action is creating what we call an action plan. It’s not a strategic plan. It’s not a tactical plan. It’s an action plan where rather than just creating these in surmounting to-do lists, you’re looking way into the future, pulling that into a vision mission. Breaking that down into the next clear 90 days and get you towards that future vision. And then breaking those down into weekly daily, and small bites, actionable items that you can work on today.

And, I’m going to, and so in fact, a one-page plan. There are a lot of greats that talk about that one, a one-page business plan. , one, well, it’s not a business plan. It’s an action plan, okay? And so the business plan would be for the purpose of, say, getting finance or capital, okay, or bringing in business partnerships or getting clear about your idea. But once you’ve done and executed all that, an action plan is really the steps and the things you need to do to get to that long-term vision.

And so, there are a few other things on here, maybe a teaser is we’ll give them the full 10 steps. , I’ll give it to you. And you can list it and give it to them in a PDF.

We’ll put like a link on there for them to get the 10 steps. But I’ll give a couple extra on here.

This one’s funny to me is, I can’t remember the author, maybe you guys can tell us or remind us who the author is. But it defaults to 30-minute meetings.  Who said this? And it was like, why do we have 30 minutes? Or why do we have like, the standard, our meeting? Yes. When you can accomplish maybe it was like Rob Dyrdek, if you’ve listened, and he was, so he’s very big on time management and, and just planning his day. And he talks about that, it’s like, we don’t if you can schedule your meeting in 15 minutes, then schedule a 15-minute, doesn’t need to be an hour meeting like that.

 And then a couple of others, I’m gonna jump over a couple because there’s, there are a couple of other ones that are really good is obsess over-leveraging your edge time. And so what is edge time, this is all the stuff that’s on the road, or my most successful clients follow their calendar, to an absolute tee. And what I mean by their calendar is they create, we create a default calendar. And default means we’re setting the plan of how we’re carrying out our day to the highest effectiveness. And this is an every-90-day process. However, this one client has been working with us for over three years.

And they literally, I said, How are we doing? I’m following our calendar. She’s like, Scott, I follow my calendar 99.9% of the time and am super diligent, and then every 90 days, we review that and look at ways we can shift that up, because, over time, we should be increasing in our value, not staying the same not decreasing. And so we’re constantly re-looking at that. And as our life changes, we can it’s much easier to maintain those shifts as our life changes.

So are for the calendar, so every 90 days, so you’re saying like have a set calendar of like those five items that you that are the most valuable to help you achieve your goals. So like those items are built into your week, every single week, and they don’t really fluctuate. Is that kind of like the idea there?

You’re blocking time for the critical activities, that are driving profit, revenue, etc., I have certain days where I’ve coached days, and I’ve I dial that down to a couple of days that are just high-profit coach days. And then I’ve got other blocks throughout my week that are consistent so that my schedule becomes this routine systematic approach. And I’m just this person working through it, now there are things that change inside that. I don’t have to come to home harbor locally, every single week.

Scott Bedell | Being Intentional with Your Time

Although maybe we could do like a segment every single week.

Certainly open to it. I love being here, you’re such a great guy. And however, the idea is that there are certain things, getting out doing speaking events. In the October 4 quarter of 2022, I said, I set out my give plan, 12% of my time is going to go to givebacks, okay, I’m going to pro bono sessions, because I know that these are lead measures or lead activities that bring a certain amount of clientele or awareness to what we’re doing, it helps a lot of people. My vision that God gave me a long time ago was to help reduce the rate of business failure down to zero and my local marketplace. So businesses that I know, are great business leaders, that want to run a successful business and want to grow a great culture, I want to help those business owners make sure they aren’t part of the 86% statistic that fails, they actually can build a business that can be a sellable asset. And part of that is making sure that I’m available to people that may not be ready for coaching. Yet still getting them to the next step they need to do. And, I love that and I’m, I’m obsessed about it.

So that’s pretty awesome.

Maybe do we have time for one more or we need to start wrapping it up?

Let’s do one more. Okay, so cash. Nine and Ten are pretty big. But I’m gonna go with this one as a father and a husband. Just celebrate our 12th wedding anniversary.


And you’re in the field too, right?

We’re at seven.

Congrats. Seven, two kids. And we’re stopping at two. 

So, that’s good. Hey, we got to know your limits and if you have a really challenging first kid, you might just be like, we always, we always joke that if we would have the twins first, we would have been like, Oh, see you at twins. We had two individual boys first.


And then we found out we were having twins in 2017. And it was like two to four.  And we always joke. We’re like Food had twins first, we probably would have just had two.

So was that a hard jump? Or was that like, since you already had to? Because this is always the thing? It’s like, you have two kids? Like, What’s one more? You have one kid like, the other one’s gonna help balance things out. Right?

Everyone’s got their theories, but it’s what one of my buddies said. He has like five. Well, we have some friends that have six. And, of course, there are people out there that have like crazy more than that. It’s zone defense now. So it’s actually not as crazy as you think because you’re not playing man-to-man? , it’s just a different strategy. And then after a while, they start helping each other. , kind of focus, and right or wrong.

Hey, any, any counselors out there that’s a whole different thing that we need. I probably need coaching, however. We just do our best to raise them into well, mature kids, but this one, number nine is to protect your family time. So as a self-proclaimed or not former workaholic, who used to wear it like a badge of honor, there is nothing honorable about working under your value and, and, and watering down your value to the marketplace. And so, exercising your right if you’re not able to get home by six o’clock to be with your family. This might be a gut punch, and I’m putting my own hand on this. You’re doing something wrong. And I don’t mean disrespectfully stop what you’re doing today I’m saying can we work on a plan to get you home by 6 pm so you can be with your family and shut down your phone and shut down your thoughts and, you got to you got to work through that.

I actually learned and some of my clients have talked through this but also have families and younger families are just had children, their third child, it’s committing that drive home to not jumping on the phone, not putting on music, being silent with yourself. . process and that what’s the other bookmark is being able to enjoy your day How about in my day and having self-checks and decompressing so you can show up for your family high energy when you get home. And the times when my workday runs over and I don’t give myself that time. I’m not really checked in when I get home and after dinner, and now the kids are in bed, and I’m just aggravated. I want to get them to sleep so I can start having my time back.

What  I hope to accomplish in this conversation is just that, that one, a little bit of grace, that we’re just not going to follow these things to a tee every time. However, to go back and recognize, we don’t want to look back 20 years later and go, Man, I was fighting for five minutes at the end of the night, when I could have just started working on a habit. So I can stop. The stuff that really won’t matter. 20 years from now, is whatever that call was. And whatever that customer complaint was, I’m not saying don’t take care of your customers. I’m just saying create limits and prioritize what’s super important. So an interesting statistic my wife shared with me that fundamentally changed my perspective on this. It really made me kick my butt and a year even after reading it a million times. , she went babe, there are real stats about the incarceration rate and how many times a night you’re at home with your family for dinner.

Oh, wow. So just prioritize family time? Even in this small, even five minutes. Maybe go Scott. Like, I hear what you’re saying. But it’s just not my world. Well,  what, start now start. Maybe it’s just two minutes right now.

And went small. , we can develop that. And the mustard seed, that’s such a great one to end on. Because it’s, it’s so true. It’s such an important time for you and your family to connect in and exactly what you said, like, I’ve experienced that to where you, you are working until the minute that you get home. And you don’t have that time to kind of sit back and reflect on the day or collect your thoughts, whatever it is, and then you rush right into family time. And it’s not you’re not relaxed at that point. Right.

So then that feeds into your kids and family time. And then it’s just a kind of more chaotic night than it should be. So I love that. It’s, I have it on my calendar every single night. It’s like six to 8 pm is like family time, it’s dinner, cooked dinner, getting the kids to bed, spend some time with them. It doesn’t always work out like that like you said like it’s not perfect. But it’s so important. And like the days that you can do that, and spend those time spend that time with your family. It’s it’s it’s cool. It’s fun, special. So I love it.

That’s awesome. And I definitely want to be intentional, too. , sometimes people go, Well, man, that sounds like personal life coaching, not business coaching. And the reality is that the personal stuff affects the work stuff. So 100% of Our aim is to be business coaches, are we sometimes in the pocket of the family life? Absolutely.

And marriages have been restored. Relationship relationships have been built on people being intentional about changing the habits, that they that are not getting them to their goals. And so when we’re willing to not just because doing parts only about 20% 80% is, we’re human, we’re not human doers. We’re human beings. So we need to focus on the B state. And that’s through learning. It’s through connecting with other people that are going through the same stuff. It’s learning tools and having resources to intentionally work on your behavior and your mindset.

And it’s a tough world. And when you’re in tough economies up and down, mindset can play tricks with you. And so, you got to find a community, you got to find people, you got to find mentors and coaches and other people to surround you. So we can eliminate those threads to help, help help that person be the best person,  that they were designed to be.

I love that. So we will put the remaining where the whole PDF we’ll put that. We’ll give you guys a link in the description so you can check out those two 10 steps to make each day exceptionally productive. I like that. Scott, it’s been fun. It’s good to finally meet you in person. I know we’ve had conversations over the phone and our first podcast was via Zoom. So good to have you in person. And I appreciate you being here.

It was a pleasure being here. Thanks. And congratulations to you seven years, two kids, and successful podcaster Palm Harbor local real estate. You’re You’re great. You’re a great example. And it’s been a pleasure.



Stroll through the laid-back streets of the Palm Harbor community with this informative podcast, proudly brought to you by Donnie Hathaway with The Hathaway Group, your trusted guide and local expert in navigating the diverse and ever-changing property landscape of Palm Harbor.

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July 31, 2023
Categories: Podcast