PHL The Hathaway Group
Dr. Raul Serrano | How Do You Define Health

How Do You Define Health?

Today’s episode is a privilege and a great conversation about health. The CEO of Ignite Chiropractic, Dr, Raul Serrano talks about health and the importance of exploring natural ways to wellness.

Dr. Serrano has been in the practice for about 14 years, with 8 years of it being with his office, Ignite Chiropractic & Wellness. His approach to health is somehow unorthodox (for some) as he advocates giving his patients a wide range of options in terms of their healthcare. Dr. Serrano is focused on educating clients about health and their options. Allowing them to be their own doctor and ensure that long-term wellness and health is the focus.

His passion for health started when he was a child and labled unhealthy. As a kid, Dr. Serrano was constantly on medications like antibiotics which resulted in him having poor gut health. That poor health eventually lead to him going from one of the smallest kids, in terms of weight, to the heaviest. Eventually the doctors told him that his health conditions ran in his family and a result of family genetics. Although his medications were very helpful in controlling his symptoms, it was a change in lifestyle the Dr. Serrano needed to take back control of his health.

Professional School

Fast forward to Dr. Serrano’s medical school days, he had zero plans of becoming a chiropractor and helping thousands of patients today. It was a random encounter with a chiropractic booth that changed his career path.

Because of all of these enlightening moments, Dr. Serrano figured that if patients were just given the chance to explore their options and discover heir body’s natural healing process it could really benefit their health. As of today, Dr. Serrano makes sure that his patients know their options and promotes ultimate health through his practice.

The 5 Pillars of Health

The first pillar he talked about was the mindset. Your body is healing itself when you sleep so if you don’t sleep you’re not allowing your body to recover from the day.

The second is nutrition. If one eats more nutritious, healthier foods then your body will have the essential nutrients to perform at its best.

The third pillar is about movement and exercise. As we know, we are not meant to be just sitting around in front of our computers all day long. Our body needs the right amount of movement. With the advent of today’s technology and increase in number of people working from home it can be difficult to find time to move. With that, we need to be more mindful of when are we going to put the time in to actually move our bodies.

Fourth is decreasing the toxicity in our bodies. Looking around us, we have more chemical toxins in our environment than ever before. It impacts us today but it also impacts our next generation even more. Every year, we come up with more and more chemicals and products that when we ingest, or we put on our skin.  It affects our hormones and it affects the way we heal and function.

And lastly is the nervous system which involves our posture. When we were young, we are always told to sit up straight and it seems we need that message more today because of the increase in technology. Your posture is directly related to your health. If you have poor posture then your nervous system can’t function as it was intended to.

To learn more about Dr. Serrano and his team visit any of the links below. If you enjoyed this podcast, please take a minute to leave us a review!

CONNECT WITH Dr. Serrano and his Practice
-Instagram: @theignitechirofamily
-Website: Ignite Chiropractic | Dr. Serrano
-Youtube: www.youtube.com/c/IgniteChiropracticWellness
-Facebook: Ignite Chiropractic & Wellness
-LinkedIn: Dr. Raul Serrano